Mrs. Cecille Marie Gaston-Pacis and Ms. Claire Clamor-Magbanua, faculty members of the College of Education, presented their papers at the 6th Philippine Conference on Multi-disciplinary Research (PCMR 2023) held last March 31-April 1, 2023, via Zoom.
Pacis, who handles Professional Education Courses in the college, presented her dissertation entitled “Transformed by Parenting Experience: Perspectives, Challenges, and Optimism of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in their Adulthood .” She was awarded as Best Oral Research Presenter.
Meanwhile, Ms. Magbanua, a Mathematics and Professional Education professor, presented at the same conference her thesis entitled “Learning Style and Performance in Mathematics of Senior High School Students Using on-line Modality.” She also received the Best Abstract Award for Education. The university was also awarded the Conference Research Productivity Award during the conference. (News by Mrs. Imelda Matullano, COEd Secretary).