Dr. Nena Samillano, Linkages and collaboration officer of the Office of External Affairs, attended the TESDA NIR Consultation on TVET Reforms and Development Agenda and Skills needs and priorities, September 19 at the SMX Convention Center. The keynote speaker of the affair was Rossana Urdaneta, CESO III, Deputy Director General, TESDA policies and planning while NEDA NIR Regional Director Efren Carreon; Asst. Regional Director, DOLE NIR; and Joel Villagracia, Asst. Regional Director, TESDA NIR; presented their agencies’ respective Regional Economic Roadmaps and situationers. In the afternoon, Dr. Samillano was appointed by their group to be the presenter of the TVET issues and challenges of the TVET institutions and academe of Neg. Occ. Group. The reports were synthesized and ended at 4 pm.