Rx Notes joins COPRE 2015

The 2015 College Press Conference (COPRE) and Awards, an annual project of the Philippine Information Agency Region 6 was successfully concluded with 96 official school publications who vied for major awards.  The COPRE 2015 unfurled at the Kapis Mansions in Banica, Roxas City, Capiz. Approximately 500 student journalists all over Western Visayas joined and aimed to win in various writing competitions. Highlights of COPRE also include on-the-spot writing contest, John Patrick Boncalon, a staff writer of Rx Notes the official college publication of the College of Nursing and Allied Health and Sciences was adjudged 4th place in Editorial Writing in Filipino. Together with him were Stephanie Claire Sarino, Isaiah Tan, and their college paper adviser, Mrs. Fanelia B. Villanueva, RN, MAN.  The day-long activity does not only aim to recognize best student writers but also to let journalist point their feats to their experiences in PIA-G Campus Journalism programs. (John Patrick Boncalon)