Following the re-election of Rev. Fr. Dionisio Selma, OAR as OAR Prior Provincial, Rev. Fr. William Villaflor, OAR, UNO-R Vice- President for Finance was elected as 2nd Provincial Councilor of the OAR Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno for the quadrennium 2018 – 2022, during the 7th Provincial Chapter held in Talavera, Cebu City.
The other OAR Provincial Councilors are: Rev. Fr. Ian Anthony Espartero, OAR – 1st; Rev. Fr. Amado Emmanuel Bolilia, OAR – 3rd; Rev. Fr. Edgar Tubio, OAR – 4th. While, Rev. Fr. Leander Barrot, OAR was elected delegate of the Province to the 2022 General Chapter. Rev. Fr. Rene Paglinawan, OAR is his substitute.