Student Center


School Year 2008-2009



 Academic Organizations

Active Teachers Organization Major in Science (ATOMS)

Animal Science Society

Association of Civil Engineering Students (ACES)

Behavioral Society

Computer Engineering Students Society (COMESS)

Crop Science Society

Electrical Engineering Students Organization (EESO)

Electronics and Communications Engineering Students Society (ECESS)

English Teachers' Club (ETC)

Information Technology League (INTEL)

Integrated Institute of Electrical Engineers (IIEE)

Junior Executives (JUNEX)

Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA)

Junior Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers (JPIChE)

Junior Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers (JPSME)

Mass Communication Society

Mechanical Engineering Students Society (MESS)

Medical Laboratory Scientists Society

Peer Counselor's Guild

Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers- School Chapter (PICE-SC)

Physical Education, Health and Music Student Organization (PEHMSO)

Political Science Organization (PSO)

Pythagorean Circle

Social Work Society (SWS)

Society of Young Management Accountants (SYMA)

Young Hoteliers Executive Society (YHES)


 Non-Academic Organizations

College Red Cross Youth (CRCY)

Recoletos Association of Mountaineers (RAMS)

Religious Organizations

Association of Children of Mary (COM)

CFC-Youth for Christ (CFC-YFC)

Student Catholic Action of the Philippines (SCAP)