A group of UNO-Rians led by Fr. President had their Energy Development Corporation (EDC) site visits last April 22. The group went to EDC Brgy, Mailum, Ma-ao Demo Farm and EDC Nursery , EDC Geothermal Plant in Brgy. Pata-an, Bago City. The objectives of the visit were:  To see how the drip-system irrigation technology can improve crop production;  to see EDC’s State-of-the-art tree nursery to rescue premium vanishing Philippine heritage tree species;  to exchange experiences on the production of sweet corn and other crops; and make it as a pre-activity to EDC drip irrigation system donation to UNO-R.    During the visit , there were: sharing of experiences between EDC Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) personnel, demo farm technician and UNO-R group;  Demo Farm tour to the drip irrigation, vermin-compost facility, corn and pepper plantation;  EDC Plant security and safety orientation; Welcome and EDC geothermal plant orientation;  EDC CSR and Community partnership development orientation; EDC Vegetative Material Recovery (VMR) project orientation;  EDC computerized facility and hedge garden tour. Rev. Fr. Emeterio Buñao, OAR led the group composed of Dr. Corazon Acaba; Mr. Zacharias Dacula;  Ms. Gloria Fabrigas;  Mr. Ronnie Gicana;  Ms. Flordeliza Ampusta of the UNO-R Natural Science Department; Ms. Mely Flores, UNO-R UCDO Supervisor;  Mr. Victor Alquino, UNO-R Crop Production Consultant;  Mr. Quirico Yanguas and Armando Villanueva of the UNO-R Property Administrator’s Office and Florian Adolfo of the UNO-R Instructional Media Center (IMC).            This is also a way of UNO-R’s observance of Earth Day 2013.

(photos & data from Mrs. Mely Flores, UCDO)