The UNO-R Supreme Student Government, College Governors’ League, Religious Education Department and Tolentine Star in cooperation with the Offices of the Vice President for External Affairs and Vice President for Student Welfare initiated a fund drive for the flood victims in San Enrique.
A total of $,460.95 cash donations and some dry goods were turned over to the University Community Development Office for them to donate to the Municipality of San Enrique .
The College of Criminology , College of Arts and Sciences and Agriculture Department donated dry goods. Meanwhile cash breakdown as follows:
Information Technology Php 156.50
Education Student Council 696.10
REED 1C0 E04 353.85
REED 3C0 A22 180.00
REED 1C0 E02 80.00
REED 1C0 E03 93.85
CB & A 310. 00
AB Political Science 80.00
BS Nursing 2 N23 180.00
UNOSSGO 2, 102.30
Agriculture Dept. 79.00
Total Cash Donations Php 4, 460.95