Twenty- Five (25) trainees of Food and Beverage Services (FBS) NC II under the Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) were inducted as official scholars of Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) on August 2, 2019, at UNO-R Little Theater. The program started with the usual opening formalities and was followed with welcome remarks from Dr. Nena P. Samillano, Director of Special Technological and Educational Programs (STEP) Office. Dr. Samillano greeted the trainees for having been successfully qualified to the program after series of interviews and requirement verifications. She emphasized that among the enormous number of applicants who tried to be part of the 25 slots, they were blessed to have been part of the program that will run for 2- 3 months. The essence of the Training Induction Program (TIP) was discussed by Ms. Ellen Elio, Senior TESD Specialist of TESDA Negros Occidental Provincial Office. Ms. Elio introduced the history of TESDA, operations manual, and the existing structure and officials from national to provincial level. Also, she discussed the roles of TESDA on the implementation of the scholarship program and the important guidelines that need to be considered from the training to assessment. Further, she highlighted the essence of the scholarship and the sense of commitment towards passing the national competency assessment after 2-3 months of training. The program was closed by singing the TESDA Hymn. The master of ceremony was Mr. Elmeer Meeynard D. Calimpos, staff of STEP. (by Elmeer Meeynard Calimpos)