The office of the VP-academics and the Planning and Quality Assurance hold the In-Service Training Program 2016.  which runs from May 3, 2016 – June 3, 2016, with sessions are done in the morning.  

The different sessions include:  Ethics and Professionalism;  An Integrated School System for Basic Education; Research Editors’ Workshop; Classroom Management; Blended Learning through LMS;  Interactive slides presentation; Enrolment strategies: A USJ-R Experience;  Action Research; Outcome-based syllabi construction; Innovative Teaching strategies; Effective Communication and the Art of Questioning; laboratory management; Stress Management;  Curriculum Mapping; Disaster and Risk Management; Table fo Specification and Test Construction;  Rubric Design; Counseling Techniques; Dealing with Special Students and classroom bullying;  Stress Management; Forum on Qualifications, ranking and promotion pay scale; Forum on Community Involvement; forum on Library Materials and procedures;  and Forum on Research Manuals and Projects.  The participants are divided into groups – A – Arts and Sciences; B – Business, Engineering and Religious Education;  C- Allied Health Sciences,  Criminal Justice and Information Technology;  D – Elementary and High School; E- selected Faculty and Staff members; F- all faculty members and G- Religious and lay administrators.