The speaker with the faculty of UNO-R Medical Technology Department (l-r) Mr. Robert Lamis,RMT; Mr. Glenn Salve,EMT; Mrs. Marian Eusoya, RMT, Prof. Kooser; Mr. Antonio Valente,RMT; Ms. Fatima Medel, RMT; and Neil Gidlayan,RMT. Photo by DJSadava-HeartMedia
Professor Kooser is licensed in the following areas: General Supervisor of the American Board of Bio-analysis, Medical Technologist of the American Medical Technologists, and a Clinical Laboratory Scientist of New York State. She held positions as Technologist of Elmhurst Hospital, New York, Fertility Laboratory Inc., New York and Northeast Washington Medical Group Washington state. A member of the American Society of Andrology and American Association of Bio-analysis.
The speaker with the 2009 UNO-R Medtech Interns with faculty members
The Medical Technology students together with the faculty members were inspired and had learned and interacted a lot during the symposium on the subject that is very relevant and progressing – the Reproductive Medicine. Prof. Kooser shared her expertise on the topic “Role of the Medical Technologist in Reproductive Medicine”. She elucidated the role of the Technologist in processing specimens for invitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic fertilization (ICF) and intratuterine fertilization (IUF).
The symposium was held at the President’s Hall of the university, 9:00 AM on November 6, 2009.
Mrs. Marian Eusoya and Mr. Carlos Legaspi
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