ENGINEERING FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT – The College of Engineering faculty room was blessed by Fr. Corvin Maturan, OAR, last August 3, 2023, at 4 PM. Present were Religious and Lay Administrators, faculty, and staff of the college and other colleges. Dean Christopher Taclobos, celebrating his 59th birthday, thanked the present administration for requesting a bigger faculty room with an academic counseling room to better cater to the student’s needs. He also encouraged the younger faculty members to do more for the college and the university.


COMFORT ROOM RENOVATION – Two comfort rooms were recently blessed. One is near the CMO office, and the other is for the College of Engineering. The newly built comfort rooms are manifestations of better service for the UNO-R community. The blessing of the CR near the CMO was led by Fr. Cris Palomar, OAR, University Chaplain, while Fr. Corvin Maturan, OAR, blessed the CRs at the Engineering. Religious and Lay administrators, faculty members, and staff were present to witness the blessing.

SWIMMING POOL OPENING SOON The Swimming pool near the Sports office is near completion. Blessing of the said new sports facility is tentatively scheduled on August 25 . KYG POOLS did the design and construction of the pool.

VP-IFM.DSA OFFICE UNDER CONSTRUCTION – The offices of the Vice President for Identity, Formation, and Mission and the Director of Student Affairs will be back to their previous location. It will once again occupy its previous office on the ground floor of our Lady of Consolation Hall. The office is now under renovation. the target date of completion shall be sometime this month.


The office of the College of Education is undergoing facelifting. It is expected to be finished sometime this month.