The university undergoes Institutional ISO 21001:2018 Stage 1 Certification last June 23, 2023.  Ms. Jessen Reyes, Lead Auditor from DNV conducted the Stage 1 ISO Certification.  The Top Management with the Middle Managers and the UNO-R internal Auditors attended the opening meeting at the President’s Hall at 9:30 am.  Ms. Reyes gave the orientation about the DNV and the whole ISO stage 1 process.   

She met with the Internal Auditors with the incoming Director of PQA for document inspection and group conference.   

The Lead Auditor held a closing meeting and presented her findings.  There were areas for improvement and was recommended to proceed to stage 2.   The scheduled stage 2 Certification will be on July 23-24, 2023.  Previously, the Student Development and Placement Center is stage 2 ISO 2001:2015 certified by another certifying agency.