An Augustinian Recollect Religious from San Carlos City was elected as General Councilor of the Order of Augustinian Recollects (OAR) General Council, the highest Governing body of the Order. Fray Jaazeal Estelou Dineros Jakosalem, OAR was named 4th councilor of the Order during the 65th General Chapter in Rome. He will serve the General Council from 2022 to 2028. Furthermore, Fray Jakosalem is the first religious brother to be elected to the General Council.
Fray Jakosalem was born in San Carlos City to Feliciano (+) and Maria Elena (+). He finished his elementary education from Ramon Magsaysay Elementary School in San Carlos City. and his secondary education from Colegio de Santo Tomas – Recoletos in San Carlos City. He took up his AB Philosophy course from Seminario Mayor -Recoletos in Baguio City and his theological studies at Recoletos Formation Center in Manila. He made his simple profession in 1995 and his solemn profession of vows in 1998.
Fray Jakosalem is also a recipient of different national and international citations and awards for his advocacy on Environmental concerns, Climate Change, Social inequalities, and other concerns. He was also the first Filipino recipient of the “Gold Ring” award from Al Gore. He has also published manuals on environment and disaster risk management.
Bro. Tagoy, as he is fondly called, is also an artist who uses art for his advocacies. One of his collaborative works with the artists of Negros is the Earth Chapel at UNO-R.
His first assignment was at the Provincial House in Manila from 2001 to 2006. His second assignment was in the University of Negros Occidental – Recoletos, Bacolod in 2005 – 2015. He was then transferred to the University of San Jose – Recoletos, Cebu, and was later requested to serve the Generalate in Rome and had a special assignment on social and environmental concerns (ARCORES). He is also currently pursuing his graduate studies in Germany.