The Negros Occidental High School (NOHS), Teofilo Gensoli National High School (TGNHS)and the Enriqueta Montilla De Esteban Memorial High School, Pulupandan (EMEMHS) commenced their Senior High School Immersion Program at UNO-R. The immersion program will run from January 13 – February 7, 2020. Almost 250 SHS students from these 3 schools are on the campus to have their immersion with the different academic programs of the university. The office of External Affairs, in cooperation with the College of Arts and Sciences Mass Communications Department gave the orientation to the students. Dr. Nieves Pepito, MasCom Department head gave the orientation to the NOHS students at the ACC while Dr. Carlos Legaspi, Jr. gave the orientation to the students of EMEMHS and TGNHS. After the orientations, the students were received by the College immersion coordinators.