A delegation from UNO-R headed by Fr. President attended the Recoletos Educational Apostolate in the Philippines (REAP) Formulation of a Comprehensive K-12 Transition Plan for Recollect Schools in the Philippines, August 5 & 6 at the Talavera House, City. The delegates were: Fr. President; Fr. Constantino Real, OAR; Fr. Jorge Peligro ,OAR; Fr. Louie Gabinete, OAR; Bro. Jaazeal Jakosalem, OAR; Ms. Nilda Jamili; Mrs. Jocelyn Coniza, CPA; Dr. Monafreda Secondes; Mr. Freddie Parreño; Mr. Harry Magluyan; and Dr. Carlos Legaspi, Jr. The program started with the Welcome Remarks of Rev. Fr. Emilio Larlar, OAR ; the Introductory remarks of REAP President Rev. Fr. Julius Marcos, OAR. Guest speakers were Dr. Marcial Degamo, Chief Quality Assurance Division of DEPEd 7 and Mr. Tomas Pastor, Supervisor of Education Programs, DEPEd 7 who discussedthe step by step preparation for K-12. The participants were then distributed to 5 working groups which are: Academic area; Marketing area; Human Resource area; Finance area; and Building and Facilities area. Reporting followed ended the sessions. The whole meeting ended with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass led by Father Prior Provincial, Rev. Fr. Lauro Larlar,OAR.
- 15 Aug
- 2014