UNO-R HRMO joins PMAP Outreach Program

The Personnel Management Association of the Philippines, Negros Chapter embraced its noble role in the society of having an outreach program at Our Lady of Pillar Academy (OLPA), Bo. Ma-ao, Bago City last July 13, 2007.

The group trekked the 46 kilometers road from Bacolod City to Bo. Ma-ao. When the group arrived at their destination, the School Principal, Faculty Members, Staff and students welcomed the group. Ma. Celia Melchor, VP Admin of Riverside College and the Head of PMAP-Negros Chapter, handed several boxes of books to the school principal and librarians. Smiles were seen in the faces of the members of the OLPA community. Learning Sessions followed at the OLPA school library. Mrs. Girlie Ballagomeza of Alter Trade presented the topic on Emotional Quotient – Managing Life and Change while Ma. Cecilia Melchor delivered the topic on Self-Management and Stress and Mrs. Lynn Weber handled the topic on Social Awareness.

After the lectures, the group proceeded to Buenos Aires Mountain Resort to take their sumptuous lunch. Meeting, which focused on the preparation of the mini-convention on November 8-9, 2007, was convened after lunch. UNO-R was tasked to join the Program Committee, Kit Preparation, and Documentation Committee. The meeting was adjourned at around 2:30 in the afternoon.

  Fr. Bitangjol, OAR during the learning session at the OLPA school library

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 smiles were seen in the faces of the members of the OLPA community

-Fr. Chote