Jhon Daived B. Castillo, STEM-EIT, led the UNO-R class of 2023 Integrated School Grade 12 Commencement Exercises. Forty-one graduates joined him with First Honors, one hundred and five Second Honors, ten with Honors, and thirteen with Academic Proficiency. The affair opened with a Thanksgiving Mass at the Gym at 8 am with Fr. Romeo Ben Potencio, Jr., OAR. The Commencement program started at 3 pm at the Gym. Grechelle Faye Haro, STEM-EMH, First Honors, led the Opening Prayer. Mr. Harry Magluyan, IS (grades 11-12) Principal, presented the graduates while Fr. Romeo Ben Potencio, Jr., OAR, accepted the candidates for Graduation. Distribution of Certificates and Awarding of Medals and Special Awards was done by Fr. Potencio, Mr. Magluyan, and Ms. Joy Borcelas, Academic Coordinator. Tribute to Alma Mater was done by Castillo. The Pledge of Loyalty was led by the BGAA President, Dr. Angelus Diamante.


Class Valedictorian Jerry Lyn D. Terry leads the Grade 6 Integrated School graduates during the Grade 6 Class of 2023 Graduation held May 24, 2023, at the University Gym. She is joined by the class Salutatorian Nicole Alexis G. Billones and 35 other graduates with honors in leading UNO-R Grade VI Batch 2023. A Thanksgiving Mass was held at the Oratory led by Fr. Corvin Maturan, OAR. During the Commencement Program, Billones led the Thanksgiving Prayer. Ms. Venus Blancia, the Principal, presented the candidates to Fr. Romeo Ben Potencio, Jr., OAR, UNO-R VP-Academics and Research and Basic Education Director. Fr. Potencio did the Acceptance of candidates. Giving of Awards and Certificates was done by Fr. Potencio, Ms. Blancia, and Mary Jane Concel, Academic Coordinator (IS K-6). Jerry Lynn Terry delivered the Valedictory Address. Dr. Angelus Diamante, President of the Blue and Gold Alumni Association, led the graduates in their Pledge of Loyalty.


                Christian V. Gelotin and Alfin Jeffbrice P. Benguelo led the completers (Grade 10) during the 8th Completion Rites of Class 2023 last May 25, 2023, at the university Gymnasium. Gelotin and Benguelo finished with First Honors. Batch 2023 also has 23 Second Honors and 18 with Honors.   Gelotin was also awarded Best in Mathematics, Best in Science, Religious Involvement Award, Special Award in Journalism, and Literary Award in Speech. The Commencement Exercises opened with a Thanksgiving Mass at the Oratory at 2:30 PM with Fr. Amadeo Lucero, OAR as the Main celebrant.   In the Commencement Program, Benguelo paid homage to God. Ms. Venus Blancia presented the candidates to Fr. Romeo Ben Potencio, Jr. OAR, Vice President for Academics and Research, who accepted the candidates as completers. Distribution of certificates and awarding of honors and Special Awards were done by Fr. Potencio, Ms. Blancia, Mrs. Marie Antonette Del Oeste, Academic Coordinator, and Ms. Judy Ann Opao, LPT. Class Valedictorian Christian Gelotin delivered the Tribute to Alma Mater.