The university held a Closing Program for the In-Service 2023 tagged as “Bugtaw” last July 14, 2023. The 2-week long training was highlighted by the daily Masses at the Oratory.
Speakers during the training were Fr. Romeo Ben Potencio, Jr., OAR, Atty. Dodie Turla, Dr. Alfredo Alave. Engr. Ashraf Khater, Dr. Anna Maria Laarni Pornan, Dr. Aileen Tranquillo, Mrs. Ma. Judy Legaspi, Dr. James Pedregoza, Dr. Analou Panganiban, RGC, Ms. Sheila dela Cruz, Ms. Katrinna Uytiepo, Dr. Chris Feli Tajonera, Mr. Reymark Maalihan, Ms. Carlz Libo-on, Mr. Allen Jake Talimodao, Dr. Jestoni Babia, Dr. Melona Guitche, Mr. Jun Hablo, RGC, and Dr. Donalyn Lastima.

Engr. Ashraf Khater, Director of the Research and Development Office, gave the evaluation results, and the top 3 sessions for the Plenary were AI Chat GPT, Internationalization and HIV101 and HIV Awareness. The Top 3 for the faculty were Formulating Learning Objectives and Materials, Guidance Data and Syllabus Making, while the top 3 for personnel were Dealing with Difficult People, Creating Synergy -work balance and Work Ethics and Customer Satisfaction. The Overall top 3 sessions were Dealing with Difficult People, AI Chat GPT, and Internationalization. INSET 2023 got an overall rating of Excellent.