The Campus Organization Federation (COF) met last Friday, June 13 to elect officers for academic year 2014 -2015. Election was handled by former UNOSSGO President John Floyd Abrico in the presence of UNORSSGO President Christian Miran. Elected as Chairperson is Portia Marie Yvonny C. Centeno (RCY-UNO-R). The other officers are: Vice Chair for Academic Orgs. – Mylene Acosta (ECESS); Vice Chair for Non-Academic Orgs. – Percival Dequilla, Jr. (APO) ; Secretary – Nikki Abendan (ACES); Treasurer – Jennifer Pahila(SYAT) and PIO – Dazil Marie Mamigo (Amity Youth Volunteer – Recoletos). They will serve as officers from June 2014 – May 2015 under the advisership of Mr. Fritz Palma and the guidance of Rev. Fr. Louie Gabinete,OAR. They are mandated to come up with programs and projects that will help the campus organizations of the university. They are also tasked to be “watchdogs” of the student government. COF was founded by the late Jan Rex Santillana under the guidance of Rev. Fr. Antonio Limchaypo, OAR.
- 17 Jun
- 2014