The Student Placement and Development Center (SDPC) held a Job Search Seminar last February 26, 2009 at the University Main Lobby.
A mock interview was conducted in the afternoon.
At the program, Dr. Jose B. Ferraris, SDPC Director, gave the rationale of the seminar while Mr. Jun Hablo, Guidance Counselor for the Arts and Sciences, delivered the Welcome Remarks. “Employment Trends” were then presented to the participants. Mr. Lino Z. Sumbillo, Jr., RGC, Guidance Counselor for Engineering, shared his expertise on Application Letter and Resume’ Writing through his topic, “Sell Your Self”. Invited speaker, Ms. Ruth M. Arguelles, HR Assistant of Distileria Bago, Inc. talked about “The Interview Process”. A Sample/Practice Interview followed. Miss Roxanne Ibalobor, RGC, Guidance Counselor, closed the morning session with a wrapping up and evaluation. In the afternoon, a mock interview was conducted wherein several faculty members from different colleges were invited to serve as interviewers.