UNO-R Recoletos Industrial and Technological Training Center represented by Dr. Nena P. Samillano and Mr. Elmeer Meeynard Calimpos participated in the 2nd TVET forum held on September 19, 2019 at the Presidents’ Hall, University of Negros Occidental- Recoletos, Bacolod City. The activity was spearheaded by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in partnership with the Association of Technical Institutions of Negros Occidental (ATINO).  The objective of the forum is to update the TVET schools and assessment centers of TESDA scholarship grants, processing of scholarship payment, competency assessment and certification, and Unified TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS). The program started with the usual opening formalities and was followed with the acknowledgment of guests and participants. Dr. Kathryne D. Orcena, President of ATINO, delivered her welcome address and emphasized her gratefulness for the successful celebration of the TESDA Silver Anniversary at Ayala Malls on August 23, 2019.  Then, Dir. Rolando P. Juanillo gave an impactful message to all Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs) for thriving to perform their duties amidst the dynamic directives from the national office. Moreover, the TESDA updates were discussed by Ms. Ellen Elio, Senior TESD Specialist, Ms. Liezl T. Echano, Financial Analyst II, Mr. Jason V. Gerona, TESD II, and Ms. Beverly R. Insular, Supervising TESD Specialist. Further, the floor was granted for an open forum for some clarifications. Lastly, the program was closed by Ms. Romelia M. Nuezca, Chief TESD Specialist, RTC Talisay and the singing of the TESDA Hymn. The master of ceremony was Mr. Juanito Tupaz Jr., ATINO PIO. (Mr. Elmeer Meeynard D. Calimpos)