Research is one of the best tools to advance educational theories and practices in the different aspects of the educational process. It is also one way of sustaining the quality standard of the institution. Hence, Recoletos de Bacolod Graduate School, as a provider of quality Christian graduate education, takes the lead in numerous research conferences and publications.
This year, RBGS participated again in the 19th Annual International Research Conference organized by the South East Asian Association for Institutional Research (SEAAIR) held last September 25-27, 2019 in New Taipei City, Taiwan. The theme of the conference, Transforming Intelligence into Action in IR, aims to provide opportunity for exchanging, sharing intelligences among policy-makers, academicians, researchers, and practitioners.
Associate Dean, Dr. Dennis Madrigal, Dr. Araceli Doromal, and Dr. Marisa Petalla represented the RBGS faculty members while Dr. Dionisio Chavez Jr., Dr. Merfe Cayot, and Chris John Bedoria represented the RBGS students. They were able to present 6 individual papers out of the 85 papers from 13 countries. The presented papers include: Demographics as a Variable in Assessing the Quality of Catholic Education of Augustinian Recollect Schools in the Philippines (Madrigal); Life Skills of Maritime Students in the Philippines: Responding to the Realities of Seafaring (Doromal); Performance Tasks Assessment: Its Challenges to Students (Petalla); Quality Assurance Mechanism in School Governance and Operations through School-Based Management Standards (Chavez); The Implementation of Outcome-based Education Practices in Central Philippine State University (Cayot); Self-Compassion in relation to career and Talent Development Self-Efficacy of High School Students when Mediated by Hope (Bedoria).
The development of the research culture in the university is a collaborative and shared effort. Thus, faculty members and students are encouraged to participate in the next year’s SEAAIR research conference in Malaysia.
Meanwhile, Dr. Madrigal was appointed as a member of SEAAIR Executive Committee (SEC) representing the Philippines with Dr. Ma. Florecilla Cinches from Liceo de Cagayan University. The appointment was made public today at the closing ceremony of SEAAIR 2019 in Taipei National University of Education, Taipei. Other members were Dr. Manika Wisessathorn from Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand; Dr. Sohia Shi-Huei Ho from University of Taipei, Taiwan and Taiwan Association for Institutional Research (TAIR); and Dr. Yusak Anshori from Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, Indonesia. The SEC is headed by its current SEAAIR President is Dr. Dao Ngoc Tien, from Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam. (News from RBGS)