After the 4th Relay Conference, followed the recognition program for our alumnus Francis Dominic Mendoza, RN. Dr. Sheila Arnibal, RN, Dean of the College delivered a message and explained the rationale of the recognition. Fray Don Besana, OAR, University President; Fray William Villaflor, OAR, Recoletos de Bacolod Prior and VP – Finance; and Fray Jose Alden Alipin, OAR, VP-Academics awarded the plaque, medal, and souvenir to Francis. After the awarding, Francis gave his response. His talk was founded on the principle “love begets love”. He shared his near-death experience in a train in Ireland where a stranger helped him come out of his hypoglycemia. So, he always would want to help others too. He said, without hesitation, he volunteered himself to help the woman who delivered her baby while in flight with Qatar Airways.

- 08 Aug
- 2019