The University of Negros Occidental Recoletos faculty and staff started off the department’s involvement in the Gawad Kalinga Housing Project last July 25 in Barangay Banago.
In response to the institutional invitation to join the GK Housing Project initiated by Mr. Ferdinand Concepcion, the GK Project Director of UNO-Recoletos, High School Principal, Fr. Antonio Limchaypo,OAR encouraged the teachers and staff of the High School Department to visit and volunteer to help out with the project in Purok Riverside in Barangay Banago where a vision of five hundred houses are being worked out to be built and be given to potential recipients who are financially incapable of owning a decent house.
The volunteers from UNO-R High School were brought to the site by Mr. Raymon Posta of the University Community and Development Office (UCDO) and were welcomed and given an orientation about the GK Project by Mr. Fred Agena, the Program Coordinator of Shelter Gawad Kalinga in Banago.
The teachers went out to render the voluntary manual labor. They were there for by mixing cement and wrapping walls as each house built out of sweat and hard work means a better home for a poor Filipino family.
The outreach activity of the faculty and staff to Barangay Banago was just the first step towards the whole High School Department’s involvement in the GK Project, as the Student Affairs Organization and the different clubs and organizations will be sent to the site in the coming months to continue the work started by their mentors.

One of the Half -Built Houses of GK Housing Project.