Electrical Engineering Department sponsored by Philips organized a Lighting Illumination seminar for Electrical, Electronics and Communication and Computer Engineering students at the Engineering AVR, September 10. Mr. Gilbert Ong, a Lighting Designer is speaker of the seminar. This seminar was organized by John Paul Cortez, the Electrical Engineering President. According to James Harvey Tuzara, a 5th year Electrical Engineering student, this seminar will help them how to design proper lights and illumination. Meanwhile, A seminar was conducted for Senior Civil Engineering students of UNO-R at Fr. Cuenca Hall, September 10, 2013. This seminar aims to inform the 5th year students about Seismic Structural Analysis, Soil Investigation and Davie’s Product Presentation. Engr. Aleseo Ybut was the speaker of the said event organized by Emil Garry Anthony Agana, the student president of the Association of the Civil Engineering students and Dr. Owen Martir, Ph.D ,one of the professors of the College of Engineering.
(Therese Amor Panzo)