The UNO – R College of Engineering entered into a memorandum of agreement with Marufuku Sangyo Ltd., who shall grant scholarships to deserving fourth and fifth year students of UNO-R taking up any major field in engineering (except civil engineering course) for school year 2007-2008.
The scholarship will cover full tuition and matriculation fees and a semestral book allowance/stipend of twenty five thousand pesos (PhP 25,000.00) for each scholar every semester.
The scholarship grant shall be known as the Marufuku Sangyo Ltd. Scholarships Program which shall be administered by UNO-R through its Admissions and Scholarships Administration office in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the memorandum of agreement.
The agreement was signed by UNO-R President, Fr. Demetrio S. Peñascoza, OAR, and Marufuku Sangyo Ltd. President, Mr. Hisanari Fukunaga witnessed by UNO-R V.P. for Academics, Fr. Raul Buhay, OAR; Dean of College of Engineering, Engr. Christopher Taclobos; Director of Marufuko Sangyo Ltd, Mr. Yukinori Tetsuo; and Marufuko Representative, Mr. Yoshikazu Morishita.
The scholarship grants will not only help the recipients to finish their degree in Engineering but at the same time will give them job opportunities in Japan and countries abroad. Also in the agreement, the Marufuko Sangyo Ltd. will co-sponsor with the University a Nihongo language course that will be offered at UNO-R starting this second semester of school year 2006-2007. Inquiries about the scholarship grants and the Nihongo language course maybe course through the College of Engineering Office.
Meanwhile, the College of Engineering along with the colleges of Business and Accountancy, Education and Information Technology had recently passed the PAASCU Accreditation. The UNO-R College of Information Technology is the only and first PAASCU Accredited information technology college in Western Visayas.