March 14, 2014, the Police Internship Unit of the College of Criminal Justice Education ended their internship program through a closing ceremony at the University Auditorium. There were 77 graduates of this year’s internship class led by Battalion Commander Intern SSupt Elver de la Cruz. The guest of honor and speaker of the occasion was Police Superintendent Armando Tubongbanua, Commander, Bacolod City Public Safety Company of the Bacolod City Police Office, an alumnus of the College. Parents and relatives of the graduates were also around to witness this memorable occasion and received the awards with their graduates. There were various awards given to the deserving graduates, cadet and cadettes who were thoroughly selected and evaluated prior to the activity. Such of these awards to mention were certificates of commendation, loyalty, duty, efficiency and leadership. The activity was attended by Rev. Fr. Jorge Peligro, OAR, VP-Academics who gave an encouraging opening message. Dr. Jasmin Parreño, College Dean and Director of the Internship Unit & College Faculty, PSInsp Homer Vargas (Ret.), MPAG, Chief Training Officer of the Internship Unit, PSupt Virgilio Oebanda (Ret.), MPA, Tactical Officer, Jean B. Pauyon, M.S. Crim., Caryl Vina Jabasa, M.S. Crim. were present, and Loriejen Fidelson was the master of ceremonies. (CVMJabasa)

- 31 Mar
- 2014