Bro. Tagoy Flies to Spain

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Brother Jaazeal “Tagoy” Jakosalem, OAR, UNO-Recoletos Property Administrator, left for Monachil, Granada, Spain last October 2 to attend the 54th General Chapter of the Order of Augustinian Recollects.

Bro. Tagoy  is the representative of the Religious brothers of the OAR Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno.  He is joined by:  Rev. Fr. Regino Bangcaya,OAR , Prior Provincial;  Rev. Fr. Bernard Amparado,OAR; Rev. Fr. Constantino Real,OAR and Rev. Fr. Lauro Larlar,OAR.

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The official logo of the General Chapter was designed by Bro. Tagoy.    The  Colors used in the logo represent the  image of the Augustinian Recollect charism: contemplative and apostolic community. The three images of the monks, one of each color-form a community of faithful and committed disciples who exercise the ministry on behalf of the Church. The eight flames from the heart correspond to the eight provinces of the Order to grow, revive and encourage the Augustinian Recollect charism. The general council has wanted to invite all religious to live the hope and preparing with renewed hope the next chapter, which is why the logo is attached to a quotation from the First Letter of Paul to Timothy, which will serve as a motto of the 54th Chapter General of the Order.

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The Capitulars of the General Chapter has the duty to review and renew the Constitution of the Order and  elect the new Prior General and his Council.