Two UNORians Attend National Seminar- Workshop ay Baguio

The Research and Educational Development Training Institute (REDTI) conducted a national seminar- workshop with the theme “Building Leaders Through Service: Connecting Leaders to a Disconnected World” last November 27-29, 2013 at Hotel Supreme, Baguio City.  The said seminar-workshop was attended by Christian Miran (BSEd III), Governon of the College of Education Student Council, and Jesseryl Monotilla (BS AcT IV), Governor of the College of Business and Accountancy Student Council. This was also participated by 25 Colleges and Universities all over the Philippines including the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, West Visayas State University, University of Cebu, and Surigao State College of Technology. On the first day, the participants were welcomed by the organizing committee of the REDTI.   Moreover, Dr. Adela Beringuela, professor at the University of the Philippines Manila talked about servant leadership and program research on the second day. On the third day, Dr. Ryan Guinaran, medical doctor and professor at the University of Baguio talked about leadership networking, making of project proposals, and conducting project research.  Also, workshop in project proposal making has been done on the last day.  The seminar-workshop aimed to train student-leaders  to create short and long term projects backed with pertinent research.

(Christian Miran and Luina Mendiola)