The day started a Eucharistic Celebration at the Earth Chapel with Rev. Fr. Waltrode Conde, OAR; Fr. Pedro Escanillas, OAR and Fr. Paul as celebrants. This was followed by a “Fiesta sa Uma” where a sumptuous lunch was served for the guests.  An academic forum was held at the Little Theatre, August 3, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. wherein Fr. Jorge Peligro, OAR gave his special message. There were various speakers for the said forum. Ms. Joy Gallos talked about the “Tatak Recoletos Spiritual and Ethical Values in Agri Marketing”; Dr. Benjamin Albarece tackled a topic on “Cash Cow, Holy Cow, Beef Production”; ‘Successful Agri Entrepinoys” was discussed by Mr. Senfroso Carpentero Jr.; and Ms. Janette Sapien lectured on “Blue Ocean Strategy: A Marketing Approach”.  “From Farm School to Market: A Road Map for Global Agri Entrepinoy” was the theme for the said forum.  The activity was sponsored by the Agriculture Department of the College of Arts and Sciences.