In the university’s bid for Autonomous Status, it is now preparing for the Institutional Sustainability Assessment – Self-Evaluation Document (ISA-SED). Last December 7, the university held its CHED ISA -SED Re-Orientation at the President’s Hall. Sir Efren Sucaldito and Dr. Danebeth Narzoles of CHED Regional Office VI were sent by CHEDRO VI Director Dr. Raul Alvarez, Jr, REE, CESO III, to conduct the reorientation. The program opened with the Welcome Remarks of Fr. President. The participants were given orientation on what to prepare for ISA -SED, how to answer the instruments, and what to expect during the visit. Instructions were also given in case of a virtual visit. The resource speakers also provided a timeline of responsibilities. Fr. Romeo Ben Potencio, Jr., OAR, closed the program and reminded once that as unorians we always have to have poise under pressure. The Religious Administrators imparted the blessings of the Lord upon the participants and the speakers.
- 18 Dec
- 2022