Dean Jasmin Parreno, RCrim, MSCrim, Ph.D., PhD-CJ, and Dr. Jean Pa-oyon, RCrim were named as one of the Tens Outstanding Criminology Deans for 2022 and as one of the Ten Outstanding Criminology Faculty members respectively by the Association of Licensed Criminologists, Criminology Deans and Administrators (ALCCDA), Federation of Authors in Criminology and Criminal Justice (FACCJ) and the Philippine Council of Criminology Deans and Faculty Members (PCCDF) last July 23, 2022, at the Conventional Hall of Marcian Garden Hotel in Zamboanga City. The awards were given during the occasion of the Golden anniversary of the Criminology Profession in the Philippines. Congratulations.

The College of Criminal Justice Education Dean and Three Faculty members presented their research work during the 3rd Integrated National Convention of Criminology Educators and Professionals, held on July 21-23, 2022, at the Convention Hall, Marcian Garden Hotel, Zamboanga City.
Workshops on the crafting of a syllabus and Laboratory Manuals for different forensic subjects, wherein Dr. Jean Pauyon was one of the facilitators, were also conducted. Dr. Jasmin L. Parreño, Dr. Jean B. Pauyon, and Mr. Edwin N. Moradilla presented their research last July 22, 2022, held at the Western Mindanao State University.
Dr. Parreño presented the study of ETEEAP graduate entitled “Security Risk Management in Philippine Port Authority in The Province of Negros Occidental: An Assessment” under the Law Enforcement Cluster; Dr. Pauyon presented her dissertation entitled “Structural Equation Model on Aggression Among Male Inmates” under the Rehabilitation and Learning; while Mr. Moradilla, presented the research of his advisee, “Criminology Students’ Perspective on Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic” under VAWC group. Dr. Jean Pauyon was Awarded Best in Research Paper in their group. At the same time, P/Maj Benedicto Villarias also joined the group. (news from CCJE)