The university community uniquely celebrated Valentine’s day.   A virtual variety show was held last February 14, 2022 with the theme: “All of us are LOVED”.


A Christmas program that was supposed to be held last December was postponed because of Typhoon Odette.  So, it’s Christmas in February.   The celebration opened with the virtual Eucharistic celebration led by Fr. Cristituto Palomar, OAR. He opened his homily by asking the question, “What shall we do with the raffle prizes intended for the Christmas party?” So, the university community thought of giving it on Valentine’s Day.  He hinted that at UNO-R Christmas season has a very long extension.  And told the community that we have to always acknowledge that God gave us a gift and decorated Paradise for us. When God created us, He prepared a beautiful place for us. We do not only need food, we need respect for his creation and one another. We need to continue his creation by being creative and inventive. Our love for God and one another must always be fresh. We must never forget that the Love of God is the source of our love for one another. He closed the homily by saying that we love God first, then our neighbors.  This is the order of love.

Meanwhile, Fray Alden Alipin, OAR gave the welcome address.  He opened the activity by saying that “It is not Christmas, yet we see a lot of people wearing red…” And asked, “What is in this day that makes us feel like it is Christmas, though it is not?”  He continues by saying that “All of us are loved” is an assurance that we are not abandoned or doomed to despair. There is Somebody who cares for us that He sent His Only Son to die for us- so that we may live.  Valentine’s day reminds us always of the Greatest Love of all – The Love of God. He ended by saying that Valentine’s day is not just a day for lovers, it is a day to realize that if true love resides in our hearts, every day is Christmas and each day is Valentine’s day because we diffuse love to one another.

After the opening formalities, the prizes were raffled electronically.  Also, the different colleges and units of the university showcased their talents virtually.