The offices of the Vice President for Student Welfare and Vice President for Religious Affairs sponsored the Religious and Lay Administrators virtual conference held on July 7, 2021.  The program opened with a virtual community Mass celebrated by Fray Cristituto Palomar, OAR.  After the opening formalities, updates were given by the offices under the Vice President for Student Welfare:  Dr. Dexter Paul Dioso for the Student Affairs Office and the Sports office; Ms. Cathy Sebastian for the Scholarships’ Office; Dr. Christer Marie Taclobos for the Medical-Dental Clinic.  While accomplishment reports were also given by the offices under the VP- Religious Affairs: Ms. Lucille Rosquillo for the Campus Ministry Office; Ms. Genie Pedroza for the Religious Education; and Ms. Mabel Gonzales for the UCDO.  Fray Don H. Besana, OAR, university President gave the institutional updates while Fr. Amadeo Lucero, OAR, VP -Student Welfare closed the program.  “Simple Happiness comes from the heart.” Fr. Lucero concluded his message.


During the virtual RELAY conference held July 7, 2021, Fr. Don H. Besana, OAR thanked the offices for the sponsorship, accomplishments, and updates.  He reminded everyone that all accomplishments are “Non-Mihi, Non-Tibi, sed Semper Nobis” (not mine, not yours but always ours).  We always attribute these to the whole community.  We must continue to be HUMBLE in our accomplishments.  The Fr. President invited everyone for a short recollection of what happened in the past 3 years of the quadrennium.  In 2018-2019 and in 2019-2020, we thank the Lord for the improvement of our enrollment figures but there were challenges that accompanied these, we lost our Autonomous status in 2019 and we were menaced by the COVID-19 pandemic towards the end of SY 2020. The whole year of 2020-2021 was a challenging year as we faced the pandemic and its ill effects on the community. But, we always walk together and work hand-in-hand as we do the will of God.  Next school year, 2021-2022 will be the end of the quadrennium, and a 7-point agenda which spells CARITAS will be the template of the university as we face future challenges.  He ended his message with a reminder from our Father, St. Augustine,  “We are all educators with a heart”.