The Fr. President, Fray Don H. Besana, OAR, issued Memo#026 s. 2020-2021 dated October 15, 2020,  known as  “University Guidelines for October 19-31, 2020”. Bacolod City is still under GCQ while the province is under MGCQ.

The guidelines state the following:

  1.  The skeletal workforce scheme will again be in effect starting October 19, 2020 where employees will report to work three (3) times a week from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM or a total of 21 hours per week. Office heads are reminded to coordinate with the HRMDO if there are any changes in the work schedules of their respective personnel.
  2.  READS scholars shall not report to duty and are advised to stay at home all the time.
  3. The following employees are prohibited from reporting to work: (a) Employees who have been diagnosed of COVID-19; (b) Employees who have symptoms of COVID-19; and (c) Employees who have family member(s) diagnosed of COVID-19 or have member(s) of the family exhibiting symptoms of COVD-19. Said employees should notify the HRMDO and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Committee of their conditions and secure the necessary Medical Certification or Clearance from their respective barangay health units/attending physicians and present the same to their immediate superiors and HRMDO and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Committee upon return to work.
  4. Employees are highly discouraged from visiting hospitals or health facilities. However, should their visit to hospitals or health facilities be inevitable, they have to observe 2-3 days break before returning to work. The 2-3 days break shall be chargeable to their annual leave credits.
  5. In-person transactions and frequent ingress of outsiders to the University shall be highly discouraged. For exigency reasons, telephone or online appointments shall be made prior to their visit to the University. The Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Committee is under instruction to monitor closely and implement strictly health and safety protocols for the protection of the UNO-R employees.
  6. In compliance with applicable City Ordinance, we are implementing the BaCTrac system for easy monitoring and tracing in the event of COVID-19 contraction inside the campus.

The Fr. President enjoins everyone  to observe the guidelines and observe healthy and safe measures to avert the spread of the corona virus in our campus.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Memorandum No. 026 University Guidelines for October 19-31, 2020″]