The University held its Midterm Strategy Formulation (MSF) and Presentation of Accomplishments, Concerns and Opportunities, December 9 and 10, 2019 at the IMC of the Nuestra Senora de la Salud Hall. The activity was organized by the office of the University President and the PQA. In day one, the activity opened with the Holy Sacrfice of the Mass in honor of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception led by the Fray Don Besana, OAR. In his homily, he shared abut the “YES” of the Blessed Mother to the will of God. The “fiat” is the manifestation of the obedience of the Blessed Mother to the will of God. The “yes” does not only entail happiness and joy but also the crucifixion. He also told the congregation that the title “Immaculate” means no friendship with the Devil. The Blessed Mother restored the brokeness of man with God was the inspiring words that closed the homily of Fr. Besana.
The Fr. President, in his opening remarks, noted that status is temporary. He stressed that what is important is we are clear of our purpose of existence. He emphasized on “Evangelization” as part of our purpose. The values taught by St. Augustine must be translated by all the members of the UNO-R community in their daily lives. We should take care of the persons entrusted to us. We have to continue to be good servants.
Dr. Elmer Haro, PQA Director, gave the rationale of the activity. The day’s reports were on Evangelization by Ms. Lucille Rosquillo (CMO) and Mrs. Genie Pedrosa (REEd) ; Human Capital Management by Dr. Carmenda Leonoras (MRMDO); Research Culture by Dr. Mona Freda Secondes (RDO); Corporate Social Responsibility by Ms. Maribel Gonzales, RSW, MSSW (UCDO); Collaboration and Partnerships by Ms. Catherine Sebastian (Scholarships’ Office); Dr. Nena Samillano (STEP) and Dr. Carlos Eduardo Legaspi, Jr. (PDEA); Campus Sustainablity by Mr. Alvin Mananquil (MIS); Mr. Mariano Antenor (ICTD); Mrs. Mely Flores (PAO); Mr. Mars Olea, MSCJ (SSD); and Dr. Dexter Paul Dioso (DSA).
Day two opened with the report of Dr. Haro on the Client Satisfaction Survey, wherein the respondents gave “Satisfied” rating in all areas. The day’s report opened with that of the Property Administrator’s Office (PAO) by Fray Jose Teodulfo Jadulco, OAR. This was followed by the report on Program Marketing by Mr. Fritz Palma (Marketing team leader) and Dr. Legaspi. Management Efficiency and School Calendar were reported by Mrs. Luisa Catague, CPA, MBA (University Comptroller); Mr. Mananquil and Engr. Christopher Taclobos (Registrar). In the afternoon, Dr. Haro presented the Accreditation and Certification updates. Accreditation Application Updates (AAU) were given by Dr. Richelle Verdeprado, RSW, MSSW (Social Work); and Dr. Sheila Arnibal, RN, MAN(CAMHS). For the PAASCU Interim Visit, Mrs. Ma. Judy B. Legaspi, Secretary to the President, presented the Recommendations and Action taken in the area of Administration; Dr. Annabee M. Claur, CAS Dean, for the Arts and Business, and Education (ABE) on the areas of faculty and exhibit preparations; and Mrs. Lucille Montalvo, MAEd and Dr. Marisa Petalla on Integrated School matters.
The Fr. President presented the realities and the realizations of the university. He also gave the resolution made after his consultations with the different groups of the academic community. The resolutions are paradigm enrichment (Cradle of Evangelization and Excellence); Highlight the Augustinian values in Education; Institutional Management Audit; Hiring of Consultants; Application for ISO Certification; Application for PAASCU Accreditation of all programs; Application for COD’s and COE’s; more faculty researchers; More responsive community extension; more industry linkages and faculty immersion; more Faculty Development programs; and monthly town hall consultations/ President’s Hour.
Fray Ronel P. Gealon, OAR, UNO-R VP-Administration, gave the closing remarks.