The Recoletos Educational Assistance for Deserving Students (READS) has a new set of officers for the school year 2019-2020. The Scholarships’ office had appointed the group leaders and assistant leaders and had assigned the members to six different groups.
The Groups leaders and assistant leaders with their group names, color, and patron Saint are Analyn Gicos and Joeny Jurilla (Targaryen-Red – St. Nicolas of Tolentino); Joy Ann de la Cruz and Pepito Martino (Baratheon – Yellow – St. Ezekiel Moreno); Ma. Paula Butantan and Justine Sta. Maria (Stark-Black-St. Monica); Hazel Ydemne and Jeffrey Ducoy (Tyrell-Green-St. Joseph); Mark Vincent Paras and Riza Alumba (Lannister- Orange – St. Augustine); and Joy Estellena and Keith John Aloro (Arryn – Blue – St. Thomas of Villanova).
The group leaders voted Analyn Gicos to be the over-all Chairman of READS for 2019-2020.