An institutional Planning activity was held last April 20-21, 2017 at the university President’s Hall. The activity was attended by Religious and Lay Administrators with the Department and area chairpersons. The activity opened with the message of the Fr. President. He spoke of the phenomenon of change by quoting that “by changing nothing, nothing is changed.” He also said that the fastest changing profession is education. Thus, we have to innovate and produce more ideas to make educational initiatives to answer the needs of the present time. Dr. Elmer Haro, Director of the Office of Planning, Quality Assurance and Accreditation, gave the rationale of the 2-day affair. Reports from the offices of the Vice Presidents were presented: Fr. Albert Pellazar, OAR (Academics); Mr. Mariano Antenor and Ms. Nilda Jamili (Administration); Fr. William Villaflor, OAR (Finance); Dr. Dexter Paul Dioso (student Welfare) and Fr. Abraham Latoza, OAR (Religious Affairs). The morning session ended with lunch and in the afternoon, the sessions started with the report of DSr. Haro on the recommendations of PAASCU in the area of Laboratories. This was followed by the reports on the different key themes of the university on accomplishments and challenges. Presentations were done by: Fr. Latoza (evangelization); Mr. Ferdinand Concepcion and Ms. Jamili (Human Capital Management); Dr. Mona Freda Secondes (Research Culture) ; Carlos Eduardo Legaspi, Jr., PhD (Collaboration and Partnership, marketing Management); Dr. Richelle Verdeprado (Corporate Social Responsibility); Dr. Elmer Haro (Accreditation and Certification); Ildefonso Obligado (campus Sustainability); Mrs. Ma. Luisa Catague, CPA, MBA (Management Efficiency). The first day activities ended at around 5:30 pm. The second day opened with the presentation of the Fr. President on the vision for the next academic year. After last year’s theme of “LEVEL-UP”, this year the Fr. President said that it will be a year of “bonuses” which he referred to as more lives, more points and more power. “More lives” is likened to sustainability; “more points to achievements, accreditation, and CHED or DEPEd recognitions and a whole lot more; and “More power” to become the leading institution in the country and possess the power to evangelize the people of God. He challenged everyone to strategize. The morning session of the second day was to address issues about the 9 themes. In the afternoon, the plotting of schedules on the school calendar was done. Before the end of the session, Fr. President announced the decision of the School Board regarding the assignments of the lay administrators. Rev. Fr. Enrico Peter Silab, OAR closed the whole planning activity with his short but meaningful speech. He reminded everyone that “all are leaders in their own different areas. Leaders need to be ready for anything. They need to study, acquire skills and plan for the future. We have to believe in ourselves.” He ended by letting everyone say, “ I Believe!”

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