The communication from PAASCU, dated November 14, says that “Elementary and High School Departments are granted re-accreditation for five years valid until November 2021. The College of Arts and Sciences, College of Education and Business Administration are granted re-accreditation for 5 years with an interim visit on the third year for the areas of faculty and administration. The Accountancy, Medical Technology, Criminal Justice Education, Computer Science, and Information Systems are granted re-accreditation for five years, valid until November 2021.  The Information Technology and Electronics Engineering programs will undergo consultancy visit in the area of faculty, curriculum and instruction, and laboratories for the readiness of these programs for the formal survey.”

The University President, through Memo no 61 s. 2016-2017, in behalf of the School Board, extends his deepest gratitude to all the members of the university community for doing their share and giving their best during the resurvey.
