In the language of Scholastic philosophy, the abovementioned Capitulars possess “the proximate ground of possibility” for change to take place in the Order. But “the ultimate ground” lies in God’s hands. As Father General rightly puts it: “Change is possible, given that the Spirit drives us towards a conversion that is personal, community-based, and pastoral. Only in this way will we be able to act hand-in-hand with a Church reaching out to the poor of our days: those who are poor through lacking the necessities of life, and those who are poor through having their hearts empty of love and distant from God.” May the triune God, through the intercession of our saints and blesseds, continue to bless and guide the Order of Augustinian Recollects and the 55th General Chapter. Amen. (Fr. Tol Almayo, OAR, The Order of Augustinian Recollect the 1045 religious form, divided into 18 bishops, 847 priests, 6 permanent deacons, 54 religious brothers and 120 religious and professed but have not yet completed initial training. They are distributed in eight religious provinces of very different shape and size, and live in 181 communities located in Europe (Spain, Italy, UK), America (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, United States, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic and Venezuela), Asia (China, the Philippines and Taiwan) and Africa (Sierra Leone). Their average age is 56 years old and is from twenty different countries. (
- 12 Oct
- 2016