The Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers – Negros Occidental Chapter held its “Annual Chapter Sportsfest” last July 17, 2016, at the UNO-R School Campus. The one-day competitions gathered regular and junior members coming from different schools, sugar centrals, breweries, distilleries, LGUs, malls, water districts, bus lines and bottling companies all over the province.  UNO-R VP for Student Welfare Fr. Louie F. Gabinete, OAR was the guest speaker at the opening ceremonies held at the UNO-R covered court. He emphasized the need of having a worthy cause behind any endeavor. Fr. Gabinete reminded the present members to honor and continue what the past chapter leaders had accomplished to reach its 46th year. A multi-sport athlete himself, he inspired the players to enjoy the games and to do their best.   The other sports events were held in the afternoon at the Lopue’s Bowling Center and Arrows Badminton Center. The fellowship and awarding ceremonies were done in the evening at the East View Hotel.   Chapter president Dr. Roy John de la Torre led the chapter in thanking the UNO-R administration for their support to the organization.   Opening ceremonies of the Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers – Negros Occidental Chapter Annual Sportsfest 2016 at the UNO-R covered court.  (Engr. Herminio Tolentino, Jr)