Dr. Dennis V. Madrigal, a faculty member of UNO-Recoletos Religious Education Department and Dr. Araceli Doromal, a faculty of the Recoletos de Bacolod Graduate School presented their paper to the 15th SEAAIR Annual International Conference last September 30 – October 2, 2015 at Hanoi, Vietnam.
SEAAIR 2015 is the annual conference of the South East Asian Association for International Research (SEAAIR) on the theme, “Internationalization and Inclusivity of Higher Education in South East Asia: Perspectives, Practices, and Pragmatics” with five sub-themes: managing of Internationalization and Inclusivity of teaching and learning towards student’s success; achieving Internationalization and Inclusivity through teaching technologies; improvement of institutional and academic quality through internationalization and inclusivity; realizing Internationalization and Inclusivity through Institutional Research; and accomplishing Internationalization and Inclusivity through effective institutional management.” The said event is “a forum for higher education leaders, researchers, and practitioners to debate on regional higher education issues and challenges, and to discuss collaborative solutions. SEAAIR 2015 also promotes the integration of universities into the region and the world’s higher education system through SEAAIR’s network.” For this year, a total of 69 education leaders, researchers, and practitioners coming from the Southeast Asian countries, including Australia, Finland and the United States of America. Dr. Madrigal and Dr. Doromal presented their co-authored paper on “Graduate Attributes: A Quality Assurance Indicator for Internationalization” during the conference along with other fifty-five (55) papers which were accepted for presentation .In the context of the 21st century education, higher educational institutions worldwide must embrace the challenges of internationalizing education and inclusivity to remain responsive and relevant to the needs of the present time. Strategic approaches to respond, manage, accomplish, and achieve this global trend include teaching and learning pedagogies, teaching technologies, institutional and academic quality, institutional Research, and effective institutional management. (Dr. Dennis Madrigal)