The RPDO conducted the 4th University-wide Research Colloquium with the theme “Excellence and Responsiveness” last August 25, 2015 at the President’s Hall. Five faculty researchers from the different colleges (CAS, CCJE, CIT) and RPDO shared their research outputs to the UNOR community. This activity aims to inspired and build motivation to faculty members to start their own research projects.
Research Presentations
Usability Assessment of Learning Management Systems | Ms. Mehreen Dolendo (CIT) |
Employee Engagement in UNOR: an Assessment | Ms. Angie Tijing (RPDO) |
Photographic Enlargements Using Conventional Macro Lens and Improvised Macrophotography Methods in Questioned Document Examination | Ms. Jean Pauyon (CCJE) |
Math Anxiety and Performance in Mathematics of Grades 7 and 8 Students of UNOR | Mr. Alfredo Alave (CAS) |
Student Satisfaction Towards the Service Quality of UNOR | Francis Jose Bearneza (CAS) |
There were also two guest research presentations: Dr. Dennis Madrigal who shared his research “The Practices of Graduate Attributes” and Dr. Ma. Riza Manalo research paper “Family In-Family Out: Social Capital Entrepreneurs Perspective”. (RPDO)