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Rev. Fr. Lauro Larlar,OAR, Prior Provincial of the OAR Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno met with the lay administrators of the university June 25 at the Conference room of the VP-Academics. He told them that he met them to fulfil the duties of the Prior Provincial as embodied in the OAR Constitution. He reminded the lay administrators that they are collaborators in the mission of the OAR and of the new evangelization. His wise advice to them was to serve others as one’s superiors; use kind words towards others; and to always see Christ on the cross. In the end, he appealed to the administrators to pray for the Church and to pray for the members of the Order. Present during the meeting were: Mrs. Sunya Phi Sumalde; Dr. Ofelia Posecion; Dr. Nieves Pepito; Dr. Elmer Haro; Atty. John Paolo Villasor; Dr. Clifford Salugsugan; Dr. Jasmin Parreňo; Mr. Harry Magluyan; Dr. Carmenda Leonoras; Mrs. Shiela Arnibal, MN; Mr. Mariano Antenor and Mr. Carlos Legaspi, Jr.