Lay and Religious Administrators, Department Heads attended the two-day Planning workshop tagged as “UNO-R@2016: Quo Vadis?” at the President’s Hall March 25 – 27. The day started with the presentation of the year-long program of activities. The different K+12 Transition Teams made their reports and presented their plans in preparation for the K+12. RPDO Director, Dr. Roy John de la Torre was the coordinator of the activity. The President’s Office and the VP – Academics were the sponsors of the activity. The workshop was compared by Fr. President to a Hamburger sandwich. He told the participants that the two-day workshop will be the “bread” while the half-day recollection will be the patty of the sandwich. One completes the whole sandwich if he places the patty at the center and in the case of UNO-R, Christ is the center of the planning.