An estimate of around two thousand participants joined the 11th Walk for Healing through the intercession of St. Ezekiel Moreno, last August 19, 2018. The walk commenced at the Capitol Lagoon at 6 am and ended at the University gymnasium, where a mass with anointing of the sick was held. The different colleges and departments of the university joined the sacrificial walk for the healing of sick, especially the cancer patients.
The Fiesta Mass was led by Rev. Fr. Farley Santillan, Asst. Parish Priest of St. Jude Thaddeus Parish. He was joined by the university Chaplain and VP-Religious Affairs, Rev. Fr. Cristituto Palomar, OAR; Asst. Chaplain and Property Administrator, Rev. Fr. Jose Teodulfo Jadulco, OAR; HRMDO Director Rev. Fr. Walthrode Conde, OAR and Basic Education Coordinator, Rev. Fr. Persiuz Joseph Decena, OAR. Fr. Santillan commended the participants and devotees of St. Ezekiel Moreno and reminded then to keep walking not only with your feet but always with your faith. Anointing of the sick with the Oil of the infirmed was done after the Mass. A total of Php 29,731.75 was raised for our cancer survivors. The Campus Ministry Office is still receiving cash donations.