The Recoletos Industrial and Technological Training Center (RITTC) has a 100% passing rate in the TESDA Certification for Food and Beverage Services and Housekeeping programs. For Food and Beverage Services NC 2, the passers are Christine Fe Ayco; Donna Fe Baldemar; Melissa Bathan; Floaralinda Besa; Jenny Bugtong;  Carmelita Caraballe; Ariston Castro, Jr.;  Eden Defensor; Arlyn de la Torre; Ma. Theresa Divinagracia; Lee Ann Galila; Raquel Horiguchi; Cheribeth Joy Jabian; Reymund Joner Jago; Jose Miguel Luis Jalandoni; Roy Jimenez; Jelyn Labergas; Rino Libunao; Joseph Bon Montenegro; Joawana Ohoylan; Stephen Rhian Sabadisto; Love Sarabia; Mike Servano; Reymar Tacsagon; and Jeser Vallejo.  For Housekeeping NC2, Isagani Alova, Jr; Jenelle Joy Arcenia;  Elizabeth Batiancila; Lara Rose Bato-ampo; Edjie Bela; Nestea Claridad; Eddie Mar Estador; Valerie Joy Firmiza; Analee Flores; Genina Gonzales; Herbey Guilaran; Cean-ey Jolipa; Joshua Libo-on; Mark Anthony Libo-on; Paolo Libo-on; Christine Milagrosa; Ronilyn Ogatis; Mary Ann Pabor; Anthony John Pillone; Elena May Salazar; Wiljohn Salusada; Cheryl Soledad; Lucy Tapang; Ernie Vince Valladolid; and Varian Villadolid.  Mr. Mario Caro is the faculty for Housekeeping while Mr. Kent Kevin Novillas is the faculty for food and beverage services.  Dr. Nena Samillana is the Director of the center effective June 04, 2018.