The Dean of the UNO-R School of law, Atty. John Paolo Villasor, MSc, will attend four engagements. He will join the continuation of the 3-part workshop series hosted by the Philippine Competition Commission in partnership with the Philippine Association of Law Schools (PALS) on May 17-18 in Manila. The topic will be on Developing a Syllabus for a Cause on Competition Law Module 2: Abuse of Dominance. On May 31, Dean Villasor will attend the meeting with the 2018 Bar Exams Chairman Associate Justice Mariano del Castillo and the Bar Confidant, Atty Maria Cristina Layusa at the Supreme Court of the Philippines. On June 1, he will join the new lawyers in the oath-taking ceremonies at the Philippine International Convention Center and on June 5-7, he is invited to join the 4th International Scientific Congress on Private Law of the Philippines and Spain: An Interdisciplinary Persective on Emerging Issues at the Ateneo de Manila Law School.