The Recoletos Online Learning Extension (ROLEx)  sponsored a seminar-workshop on Inter-related knowledge on Biotechnology –Crop Protection –Soil Management at the Masscom studio, April 26-27, 2018.  The opening formalities was opened by Dr.  Armigenia Benedicto while Mr. Arturo Maghari acknowledge the participants to the said workshop.  The first topic was on “Biotechnology and its many faces in the present time”  by Dr. Hope Rivera.  “Enriching Knowledge in Statistics Software Application” and “Continuation of Statistics Application and Worksheets” were presented by Mr. Alfredo Alave, MA of UNO-R.  Dr. Marita Labe of Central Luzon State University talked on Crop Protection while fellow CLSU professor, Dr. Purisima Juico talked on Soil Health and Management, then and now.  The participants started the 2nd day with a Farm tour at the Penalosa Organic farm, Buro-buro Spring farm and May’s Organic Garden.