TOGETHER, FOREVER (If We Hold on . . . )

The office of the Vice President for Academics under Rev. Fr. Jorge Peligro,OAR called for a College Faculty Assembly last November  21 at the Presidents’ Hall at 4 pm.  The assembly opened with an invocation prepared by Dean Shiela Arnibal while Dean Nieves Pepito called the attendance and recognition of the college Department chairs and faculty members.  Fr. President  in his message admired the unity and cooperation of the members of the community and told the assembly that this is the key to the success of his administration.  Fr. Peligro presented the thrust and directions of his office. Dean Christopher Taclobos presented the general activities for the second semester while Dr. Ofelia Posecion read the Academic policies and innovations. Dean Clifford Salugsugan acted as Moderator during the Open Forum while Dean Jasmine Parreño led the Closing Prayer. Dr. Elmer Haro was the emcee of the program.

Fr. Peligro also met with the faculty members of the Recoletos de Bacolod Graduate School last November 23 at SA101.  Fr. President gave the message and reminded everyone of the thrust of the whole Recollect Order this triennium that is “Restructuring and Revitalization”. Fr. Peligro presented to the faculty the possibility of offering programs in a trimester.